AARP Life Insurance And Medicare Insurance: An Overview
AARP Life Insurance And Medicare Insurance: An Overview
The American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) boasts a membership of over thirty five million people aged fifty years and older. The massive non-profit organization is recognized as a political advocacy powerhouse whose influence seems to grow along with the “graying” of America. AARP, however, does not limit itself exclusively to legislative lobbying for its membership demographic; it also (in conjunction with established companies) provides insurance opportunities to its members. Two of these products include AARP life insurance and AARP Medicare health insurance.
*AARP Life Insurance
For well over ten years, AARP has been offering whole and term life insurance policies to its members in association with the New York Life. The AARP life insurance program offers plans featuring premiums touted as “affordable” that are specifically designed for people age fifty and older. Coverage amounts vary, with policies being available with benefits ranging from only a few thousands of dollars to fifty thousand dollars. AARP life insurance is available to any AARP member between the ages of fifty and eighty. Spouses of AARP members may also receive coverage, so long as they are forty-five years of age or older. AARP life insurance does not require a medical exam. According to AARP, approval is based on answers to “three simple health questions.” Policies can be applied for via mail and the program touts the ease of application and approval as two of its strengths.
*AARP Medicare Insurance
AARP offers a health insurance policy designed to supplement the coverage provided by Medicare. This “Medicare Supplement Insurance” is offered in association with United HealthCare Insurance Company. Premised on the notion that Medicare generally covers slightly more than half of an individual’s health care expenses, AARP’s Medicare health insurance plan seeks to provide a means by which to cover costs such as co-insurance, deductibles and prescription medications.
AARP’s Medicare health insurance program allows members to continue utilization of their own physicians and is promoted with a focus on its ease of use, as well as its coverage. For instance, AARP members using this supplementary insurance plans are not required to fill out claim forms and the coverage is valid across the U.S., making it available for use when traveling and in other similar circumstances. According to AARP, rates for this insurance product are not increased based on age alone. Individuals are not to be “singled out” for rate increases, either. Rate changes are applied to all members of a matching class insured under the plan and residing in the same state.
AARP is one of America’s largest organizations and is one of its most politically powerful. In addition to using its membership to wield political clout, AARP has also used its massive membership as a group for insurance purposes. Teaming up with established providers like New York Life and United HealthCare, AARP offers its members insurance packages ranging from AARP life insurance to AARP Medicare supplementary health insurance.
An article by Evan Davis
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